I have been extremely busy with the addition to The Ranch a huge barn that will house much of Reg’s memorabilia. Where to start was the big job so first work out where to put this Grand project, then sort precious items into some sort of order so as to fit it all in.Reg’s guitars will be mounted on the walls and there will be a theme starting with Reg Lindsay Country Homestead show props from the television studio and loads of items that folks who watched the show will remember.
I came across an old black case, only small in size and to my surprise a selection of harmonica’s that Reg used quite often.
Also his fiddle plus a very old fiddle that belonged to Reg’s father. The Memory barn will certainly stir up the memories of who ever walks through the door. I am working solidly on this project each day in between taking care and working my horses and making sure my 12 Brahman steers are happy and contented with all the nice feed here, although we could really do with some rain. I plan to open the memory barn to fans late in 2018 early ” 19. I don’t want to rush it as I want it to be relaxing and enjoyable for who ever attends. watch this space!!