A wonderful day was had by all at the 2018 Reg Lindsay Memorial Talent Quest East Cessnock Bowling Club. Grand Final Winner went to Louis Burt from Newcastle. Section winners were 10 years & under 1st Sam Thompson, 2nd Mieke Williscroft.
Gospel Section 1st Tracey Rowland, 2nd Brook Thompson, Instrumental 1st Braydon Rowland, 2nd Troy Rowland.
Duo 1st Bill & Tracey Rowland, 2nd Brook & Sam Thompson. Comedy 1st Bill Rowland, 2nd Todd Haywood.
Adult Male 1st Louis Burt 2nd Bruce Watson. Adult Female 1st Sharon Salter, 2nd Susan Tull. 11 – 16 year old Male/Female
1st Trinity Woodhouse 2nd Todd Haywood. Original Country Song 1st Trinity Woodhouse, 2nd Bill Rowland. There was some very good Talent across all sections and a huge thank you to Marlene Sec/Man of ECBC also judges Mark Shay, Carol Lanesbury and Liz Bond, the Band headed by Chris Bond and of course all the entrants, everyone was fabulous. I must thank my right hand people Jack “Drongo” Paten and his lovely friend Mel Watson. We plan on putting on another big quest same time in 2019 so watch this space. I have been off air for a little but all good now and back flying The Team Reg flag.